Wednesday, April 08, 2009

What to do?

Blizzard has no intention of fixing balance druids for pvp. While every spec was supposed to be viable it's clear that balance is one of the specs that isn't included. So what should I do? Resto and feral are better, but not by much and I just don't have a desire to use either spec in pvp. I have a rogue but I just haven't enjoyed it, though it may be worth revisting after the patch.

As far as my non 80's I have a 73 hunter, 58 dk, and 35 shaman. The hunter has never really interested me in pvp, but they have performed well. I have no doubt that dks will plenty viable despite the nerfs they are getting. I'd like to try resto shaman, but 45 levels is too steep for me. Maybe I could get Ferth to send me some cash to level it so I can pop heroism and drop some totems for his raid group. I could just not do any arenas and only pvp once a week with the guild with my druid or rogue.

Anyway, most of you guys know me pretty well, I'm fairly lazy with bgs and leveling and I'm very good looking. What do you think I should do?


Ellevis said...

Play the druid as either Feral or Resto. The reason being is that you need to PvE to get weapons for PvP.

Blue said...

Yeah forget the shaman idea, "drop totems and pop heroism.." not quite all there is to do.

Blue said...

On second thought..Get a bunch of heirloom items and roll a holy pally...

Ellevis said...

What's this "pop Heroism" thing you talk about Blue? Must be a PvE only thing huh?

Blue said...


Bacon said...

Be the first and most awesomest Balance druid to PVP and run an arena rating to 2200.